Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 25th- Portobello Market

Our journey began today by going to the Portobello Markets. The interesting part is what we witnessed on our way there. We walked over to the train and since we all wanted to sit together we choose a cart that was pretty much empty. What we didn't know is what they cart contained. The smell was worse than I could have ever imagined. It was like we were inside a garbage can. Soon I began to realize where this rancid smell was coming from, it wasn't hard to suspect who it was when he had flies all around his body. He stood up, walked to get off and all you could see down the back of his pants was brown. Yes they were supposed to be levi's, yet they are now made of flies and maggots. He walked off the train by a pole and decided to pee in the middle of the train station. Showing no shame he walked right back on and sat down. He obviously was numb to the fact that he smelled at all. He made the entire cart empty due to his lack of being able to take a shower ever. I would say I feel bad for him, but I would also say go jump in the next river you find and wash off everything you own. We decided that best option was to move carts and get on with the journey. Once arriving we walked down the street to find millions of markets. I love places like this, except it's better when you can pay with dollars instead of pounds then what you think is a good deal is really not. We were able to find a few good things including a mexican restaurant that we have been craving forever. Although it was so smoky in there our eyes were watery, I got a okay quesadilla but at least it did fulfill the craving. We ended the night by paying about twenty dollars to see the proposal. Even though it was my second time going, it was just as funny. It was an end to a good night. I have also never seen a movie theatre with three floors and a balcony that someone would pay 19 pounds for.The flippers must help him perform at his best, his advertisement states he's #1 at Guitar HeroThe newest advertisementWhat great three purchasesTwo thumbs up towards the movie I'd say

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